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Happy Indian Village is located in a rain scarce area of India. Potable water used to be perennial problem for the village. To meet the water requirement of the village a water harvesting pond that will accumulate the water during rainy season was built with labour of the village inhabitants and samaritans who either donated cash or equipment necessary for the said purpose. The pond has capacity to hold 15 million litres of water that has made the village water surplus.
To meet the food requirement of the children in the village a barren patch was turned into a green patch by sheer labour and dedication of the village residents. The farming activity now not only provides for the needs of the residents but generates surplus income by by selling the produce in the market.

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When survival was a distant dream today the village has come a long way. Along the journey the residents also grew up. The advancement in medical science also enabled the residents also to grow as healthy individuals capable of co-habitating and having kids who will not inherit HIV. In year 2019, the village saw five young couples getting married and starting their married life. The marriage was celeberated in full gaiety at the village.
Every year the village residents hold cultural fiesta in big cities of Maharashtra to raise money for their village. The pandemic has put this annual event on hold. However, there is a plan to hold live event over social media channels in later part of the year to help the residents discover their talent, showcase their talent and raise funds for the village.

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The village is going green through kind contribution of Mr. Mahesh Rupani of Mumbai who have provided solar installation for the kitchen roof top and solar water pump over the village well. The village with increased resources hopes to make great strides in sustainability.